Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

It’s Good Friday and the sun is warming the soil. We are hoping to be able to till this weekend and get those rows going north to south to maximize the sun exposure. There is one area of the garden that is still very wet because it drops off a little and I was seriously considering bringing in some additional soil and supplements for that area. There is also a scrub tree that is on the east side of the garden that we had left last year in our hurry to just get established. We will be removing that this spring. Forecast is for sunny and in the 50’s. Let’s hope it follows through. One never knows living in this area of country.

The blueberries have buds swelling and I will gather the pine needles from the front of the property to spread around them for some additional nutrients.

The seeds that were started have now begun to sprout. I have them nursing themselves inside the 3-season porch that is south facing. Help from two large grow lamps help keep them warm at night. I started several varieties of lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, brussel sprouts, squashes, dill, parsley, basil, eggplant, catnip, cauliflower and broccoli. In two weeks I will sow another crop of lettuce.

There is no greater feeling than watching those young plants stretch themselves upwards. It is like a rebirth each time one pops up. We will hold their hands and keep their feet firmly planted until they bear their fruit. Then we will save their seeds and bring them back to life again next year.

So many people are planting gardens now. I was seriously thinking of organizing an organic seed swap in my area. I’ll have to put it out on my Facebook and post up some signs. I’m so excited that a friend of mine has organized a CSA (community supported agriculture). She is including fresh eggs, fresh soap, and fresh chickens with her fruit and vegetables. I wish more people would do this. To expand the CSA movement across the country would help eliminate the need for trucking our food supply and lessen our carbon footprint.

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