Thursday, August 9, 2012

"the garden on steriods"

My neighbor calls it “the garden on steroids”.  That was such a huge compliment coming from a seasoned mid-west farm girl.

I don’t know why the squashes have taken over the garden more this year than in previous years. Maybe it was our early warm spell. But anything that is squash, pumpkin or cucumber related has become enormous. I’m thinking world records here. Some of the leaves are over 15 inches!!!
I picked a wheelbarrow full today including a 9 ½ pound, 24 inch yellow zucchini. That has been washed, quartered, sliced and taking up temporary residency on all 8 trays of the dehydrator this evening.

Our days are not as hot and humid as the past few weeks. It makes spending time in the garden much easier on the old soul here. I was feeling guilty about only spending a half hour a day there.

I picked lots of peppers and started more lettuce today. The lettuce will go in an area that will get covered/hooped in late September to avoid potential early frosts. Our frost days are usually the first or second week of October. Another sowing of peas is in order too. They can take the cooler weather.

I have lots of flowers on the tomatoes. But the percentage that set fruit this year is disappointing. Maybe I didn’t prune the plants enough? I’m not sure. But I’ll be checking with the county extension office to see if others are experiencing these same things.